Dr. Jan Walter Schroeder

Dr. Jan Walter Schroeder











CEO of Sensovo, Jan Walter Schroeder holds a Diploma degree in Medical Informatics from Heidelberg University with the specialisation Management in Healthcare and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering with a specialisation in haptic feedback from Bournemouth University, UK, obtained in 2014. He has had a number of years work experience in biomedical and aerospace industries and is a leading hardware programmer in the team.


List of Publications

Proceedings & Journals

Schroeder, J.W., Martin-Salvador, M., Bakirov R., Straus U., Tactile Satellite Navigation System: Using haptic technology to enhance the sense of orientation and direction, 66th International Astronautical Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, IAC-15,B2,1,3,x30573.

Mishu, M. C, Schroeder, J. W., 2015, Modelling of pressure ulcer (PU) risk prediction system. IEEE Science and Information Conference (SAI), pp.650-656

Schroeder, J.W., Dubey, V., Hickish, T. and Cole, T., 2014. Intelligent Agent Based Software Architecture of a Wearable Electrotactile Feedback System for Balance Improvement. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology. 3(17), pp. 33-39.

Schroeder, J.W., Weinberger, B., Zurita Piñol D., Leinmüller C., 2013, Microgravity Experiments with Sailplanes: Educational Benefits of a Parabolic Flight Campaign with School Students, IAC-13,E1,2,5,x17042.

Schroeder, J. W., Dubey, V. N., Hickish, T. F., Cole, J. 2012. Wearable Electrocutaneous Feedback System: A Smart Device to Compensate for Sensation Loss. J. Med. Devices 6(1), 017515.

Schroeder, J. W., Dubey, V. N., Hickish, T. F., Cole, J. 2012. Case Study on Repeatability of a Threshold-Based Calibration Method for Electrocutaneous Feedback Systems. J. Med. Devices 6(1), 017516.

Schroeder, J. W., Dubey, V. N., Hickish, T. F., Cole, J., Choukri M., Swain I. 2012. Applications of Electrical Stimulation and Electrotactile Feedback in Human Spaceflight, 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy, IAC-12,A1,2,7.

Schroeder, J. W., Dubey, V. N., Hickish, T. F., Cole, J. 2011. Electrocutaneous Feedback System to Improve the Estimation of Pressure Applied to the Foot, Biodevices 2011, International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices. 1(1), pp. 386-390.

Fuentes J., Schroeder J. W., 2010, Water in space exploration: Influence and benefits for social projects on earth, Prag/Czech Republic, IAC 2010, IAC-10.E1.6.-E5.41.

Weiss B., Schroeder J. W., 2010, Spacenture – A Marketplace for Space Related Business Ideas, Space Technologies and Intellectual Properties, Prag/Czech Republic, IAC 2010, IAC-09.E6.1.8

Fuentes J., Schroeder J. W., 2010, Methods for governments to boost space activities today: indicators and valuation, Prag/Czech Republic, IAC 2010, IAC-10.E6.1.1.

Schroeder J. W., de Dalmau J., Foulet M., Delgado González A., 2009, Cross-national ModelRocket Days: An Intercultural and Multidisciplinary Outreach for Space Education, Daejeon/Korea, IAC 2009, IAC-09.E1.1.3.

Schroeder J. W., Zurita-Piñol D., Aer0g – The Portal to Weightlessness: Aerobatic Flights as an Educational Platform for Microgravity Experiments, Daejeon/Korea, IAC 2009, IAC-09.E1 (2009).

Zurita-Piñol D., Schroeder J. W., Fuentes J., 2009, Spacenture: The Platform for Space Business Creation and Consultancy, Daejeon/Korea, IAC 2009, IAC-09.E6.1.8.

Fuentes J., Schroeder J. W., 2009, Tech4People: Sustainable and Efficient Transfer of Space Technology to Aid Communities in Need of Help, Daejeon/Korea, IAC 2009, IAC-09.E5.1.9.

Schroeder J. W., Schulze W., Chen C. H., Wetter T., 2008, Three-Channel Dynamic PhotometricStereo: A New Method for 4D Surface Reconstruction and Volume Recovery, Optical Engineering + Applications 2008 – SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, Proc: 7072-25.


Conferences & Talks

Schroeder, J. W. 2013. Improving Balance with an Electrocutaneous Feedback System, Salisbury FES User Day.

Schroeder, J. W., Dubey, V. N., Hickish, T. F., Cole, J. 2012. Creation of Artificial Sensation by Tactile Sensing and Intelligent Stimulation of Sensory Nerves, 3rd DEC Researchers Poster Conference.

Schroeder, J. W., Dubey, V. N., Hickish, T. F., Cole, J. 2011. Electrocutaneous feedback system for patients with neuropathy, Bournemouth University’s 3rd Annual Postgraduate Research Conference.

Schroeder, J. W., Dubey, V. N., Hickish, T. F., Cole, J. 2011. Electrocutaneous Feedback System for Patients with Loss of Sensation in their Feet, Salisbury FES User Day.

Schroeder, J. W., Dubey, V. N., Hickish, T. F., Cole, J. 2012. Multisensory Intelligent Feedback System for Sensory Substitution using Electrical Stimulation, 4th DEC Researchers Poster Conference.

Jan Walter Schroeder, Venketesh N Dubey, Tamas Hickish, Jonathan Cole, 2012. Wearable Electrocutaneous Feedback System: A Smart Device to Compensate for Sensation Loss, 5th DEC Researchers Poster Conference.

Schroeder, J. W., Dubey, V. N., Hickish, T. F., Cole, J. 2012. Electrotactile Feedback System: A Medical Device to Improve Balancing and Pressure Estimation for Patients Suffering from Loss of Sensation in their Feet, Bournemouth University’s 4th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference.

Schroeder J. W., Schulze W., Chen C. H, Wetter T., 2007, Three-Channel Dynamic PhotometricStereo, Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Annual Meeting, Taipei.


Awards & Grants

Finalist for IC Tomorrow, Innovate UK Competition 2015

Finalist for Innovate UK, 2014

1st Winner of Sparkassenwettbewerb Heilbronn, 2013 – 500 €

3rd Winner for Hessen Regional Challenge, ESNC Contest 2013

2nd Overall Winner, European Satellite Competition 2013

ESA Innovation Price 2013 – 10,000 €

Best Oral Presentation at Bournemouth University’s 3rd Annual Postgraduate Research Conference 2011

Best Oral Presentation at Bournemouth University’s 4th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference 2012

PGR Development Scheme 2012 – 1400 £

PGR Development Fund 2012/13 – 750 £

European Space Agency scholarship 2010 – 12,500 €

Global Citizen Award 2010-2011, Bournemouth University – 500 £

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