Nach wie vor sind wir auf der Suche nach interessanten Investoren, die uns beim Wachstum unterstützen und mit denen wir unser erstes Produkt serienreif auf den Markt bringen können. Letzten Montag hatten wir die Möglichkeit beim Cologne Business Angels (CBA) Treffen zu pitchen und die Damen und Herren dort von unsere Idee zu überzeugen. Die […]
Pitching in the Wearable Technology Show 2014

Sensovo was one of eight startups selected to pitch in the Wearable Technology Show 2014 which took place at the Olympia Conference centre London. The experience of presenting our company in such event was very satisfactory and we got very good feedback from the audience. We would like to congratulate Sentimoto for winning the prize […]
Sony patents ‚SmartWig‘ wearable device

In the wearable race for covering all the parts of the body with electronics, Sony has patented a ’smart‘ wig. BBC News points some potential uses like navigation with vibration feedback for blind people or as an additional device in the gaming industry. So if you are suffering from baldness and are looking forward to […]
„To wear or not to wear?“ – not a question with Navipal

Recently Forbes published an interesting article regarding the use of obvious wearables and the social implications of this, The article summarizes the general negative feeling about using the wearables openly in the public, which is the case with Google Glass or Pebble smartwatch. Sensovo Navipal, which is safely hidden under your clothes effectively makes this question […]